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How to Deal When Things Are Not Going as Planned

We try to outline our lives the best way we can, but things won't always go according to plan. It can be a frustrating experience, especially if you already have expectations of how things will turn out. It's essential to learn how to deal with our expectations and our feelings of frustration whenever our plans don't work out as we hope they would. 

In whatever way things may turn out for you, remember to keep your cool. Being calm is vital in having a clear mind so you can figure out why something happened or didn't happen as you hoped. You may then learn something about the experience and find a way to improve how you do things. This way, your expectations may be able to match the outcome. 

If you're dealing with a lot of frustrations right now because of plans not working out, here are a few steps that may help you. 

Learn to be Flexible

When things go wrong, don't lose your temper. Before you react, try to take some deep breaths and clear...

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What to Do When You Feel Unworthy

Have you been feeling low? Have you found yourself thinking, "Why am I so useless?" Have you felt like you can't meet other's expectations of you no matter what you do? That feeling of unworthiness is something that people experience from time to time. 

First of all, you are not useless. 

Second of all, you are not alone.

Often this feeling of unworthiness happens when you are unable to reach the unrealistic expectations that others have of you. You may also feel this way if you're unable to meet your own expectations. 

For many of us, we feel the most unworthy when we become overwhelmed by the intense need to be accepted by another person, whether romantically or professionally. When we think they expect us to be one thing and we are not able to meet it, then we begin to feel unworthy. We start to feel like we don't deserve their love or affection. Moreso, we feel like we don't deserve their respect or admiration. 

What Makes...

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Learn How to Let Go of Your Shame

Are you plagued with feeling like you’re not good enough? Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself for past wrongs? Healing shame is the key to moving forward with your life. Can you get over the degradation that you are feeling right now? When it seems you are not good enough or not worthy enough of love, stop and take a moment to reflect.

What Are You Ashamed Of?

How to get rid of guilt -- you ask yourself this question again and again. What are the negative parts of your being that make you feel bad about yourself? When you feel unworthy, it becomes harder to build successful relationships with others because you avoid connecting with them. 

Perhaps your shame comes from your finances. How often do you feel like you are financially insecure? When it often feels like you have less, you know that the feeling is born out of your comparison of other people’s lives to yours. You feel like you have less because you see that others have more. But do they really have...

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The Hidden Spirituality of Lucy

 How does one describe Lucy? 

What begins as a story of a woman with an average quite human consciousness and a short-lived boyfriend with a pretty sweet hat, very quickly transforms into a film about ascension.

So, as always - spoiler alert. Now let’s get into it! 

The idea of Lucy is the rapid escalation from a low level of consciousness. It progressively moves into trying to describe what might happen if someone was to experience transcendent superconsciousness and unlocking new powers that come with it. It is a commentary both on theoretical human evolution and psychedelics very much psychedelics, LSD, to be specific. In a way, the whole movie seems to be based around it, allow me to explain. 

In the opening narrative, we see cell mitosis, followed by a shot of Lucy - the 3.2 million-year-old first “early human,” Australopithecus, before quickly cutting to Lucy - the 25-year-old woman studying in Taipei. 

Before we even go further - it...

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Challenge Yourself on a Daily Basis and Gain These Benefits

What is the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning? Have you ever thought about your daily routine, and wonder what good comes of it? Perhaps, take a moment and do just that. May write about your daily routine if that helps you see everything you do. Think about how you go about your day, what you learn from each task, and what positive or negative things happen because of your daily decisions. Ask yourself, “What is wrong with my daily routine?” “What is good about my daily routine?” “Is my day-to-day helping me be my best self?”

Although these questions may seem too hard to ask yourself every day, it is vital to consider doing so on random occasions as not to fall negative or generally unhelpful routines. Keeping a routine can help a lot of people in their daily lives. However, sticking to that routine all the time hinders people from being as creative as they can be. 

Sit down and write out your daily...

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The Hidden Spirituality of Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a story about the infinite layers between a person's ego and a person's soul, and in that, the self-discovery and expression of the soul through the connection we have with each other. Much of this coming of age story is centered around being an outcast in a world of sameness, telling us of uniqueness, individuality, and that each of us has the potential to live our best lives if we can just get out of our own way. While the story is based in 1991, it relates very well with most demographics of the last 40 years, minus all the mix-tapes, as much of the message is universal to our human consciousness today. 

The story was both written and directed by Steven Chbosky, for both the novel and the screenplay - and while generally, we’ll be focusing on the movie, for those interested - the book adds many dimensions to the story that we don’t see in the film. With that, here’s your Spoiler Alert, and here we go!

The film opens and...

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Make the Quantum Jump

Making the quantum leap is the idea of moving your identity solely from the space of form and outcome into the dimension of possibilities.

So many of us want things that we do not have. Experiences. Relationships. Assets. Attention. Prestige.

Speaking pragmatically, whatever it is that you are TRULY desiring, you have the possibility of receiving. The act of your calling it into your experience - your expressing and feeling your desire for it - is one of the causal mechanisms for that experience to reveal itself to you.

The problem that we experience is that we make these requests - these desires - then look around and do not see it happening according to how our mind perceives it should. The solution is to make the quantum leap - to remove the need for the how and to more fully appreciate the part of you that exists eternally in the realm where all things are possible. We want to do this because we know that once we do, we will experience more of the life that we desire.

You have...

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How To Have Foreplay

You are unboxing "foreplay" from the narrow-sighted, outcome-oriented perspective into one of consistently showing up - for yourself and your partner.

The masculine is many times represented by the straight line, getting from point A to Point B. Both men and women have this within them. It is the part of us that wants to accomplish and wants to achieve. Foreplay is not about doing something because you THINK your partner wants it so that you get something that you THINK that you wish to; it is more about romancing yourself.

It's like having someone ask you to have fun who is not having fun themselves.  It just does not work.

Expressing the excitement for being in the moment with someone intimately, not just the leading-up-to energy.

It's about the journey, not the destination. This is the primary point. The entire concept can be answered here. If you are having a self-identified healthy amount of restorative sex, then the idea is how much deeper can that...

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How Astral Projection Benefits Your Personal Growth

Around 5% to 10% of the world’s population has claimed to have experienced astral projection, according to the study of Cecelia’s Psychics. In fact, it is something that the US government has been interested in exploring. Given these facts, it’s only fair to wonder if this practice has any benefits to a person’s spirituality as a whole. So on that vein, are there any direct benefits to your growth if you are able to astral project?

Basic Information

The whole concept of astral projection is often compared to disassociation, according to Deganit Nuur, an Intuition Expert, which is why she says that it should be approached carefully and consciously. Astral Projection involves properly visualizing your astral cord which will serve as a link between your astral self and your physical body. So it is important that you do not attempt to astral project on your own. If you are able, it is best to seek out experts that can offer you tips and...

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How to Overcome Your Fear of Failing

What are you most afraid of? The fear of failing phobia can affect anyone, young and old alike. Sometimes, it is the fear of failing that makes us try to do out best in every given situation. In those cases, it can be seen as an opportunity for growth. 

And yet, many suffer from the fear that they are doing things the wrong way. They are afraid that they might be too far behind or that they should be pursuing something else more worthwhile than what they are interested in now. 

Have you ever wondered if you could really handle everything that you have put on your plate? Or are you also afraid that you might have taken on some things that you really could not handle? The acceptance of failure becomes hard for most of us even though we know that we have given it our best shot. 

This type of fear is constant and it brings about the kind of stress you wouldn't wish on anyone. Why are you so stressed? Why do you fear failure so much?

Where Does This Fear Come From? 


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